Improving Students’ Speaking Ability Using Realia and Role play (A Classroom Action Research for the Eighth Grade Students of MTs Sudirman Getasan inthe Academic Year 2015/2016)

Salam, Darus (2016) Improving Students’ Speaking Ability Using Realia and Role play (A Classroom Action Research for the Eighth Grade Students of MTs Sudirman Getasan inthe Academic Year 2015/2016). Other thesis, Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan.

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This research is aimed to develop the students’ speaking ability through the classroom action research by using realia and roleplay. The aims of his research are to know the condition of English teaching learning at MTs Sudirman Getasan especially teaching learning process, to know the process of teaching speaking by using realia and roleplay improves the ability of the speaking teaching learning process and to find out the students’ improvement when realia and roleplay are implemented in the class.Thirty students of the eighth grade students of MTs Sudirman Getasan were instructed through theclassroom action research by using realia and roleplay to improve their speaking ability. The methodology of this research is Classroom Action Research (CAR). It is conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consist of planning, action, observation, and reflection. The researcher found several findings on it. The findings show that the students’ speaking ability were low because they lack of vocabularies, most of them have problem in speaking, it is showed by the mean of the pre-test 64.67. The other findingare many students have difficulties to share the ideas orally, many of them preferred to be silent and use Javanese and Indonesian rather than use English in the class. In the pre-test 33.33% students pass the standardize score, in post-test I 50% students and in post-test II 76.7 % students pass the standardize score. The mean of pre-test 64,67 , the mean of post-test I, 65.6, and the mean of post-test II 71.47. The first T-calculation is 3.46 and the second T-calculation is 5.44. The result shows that the T-calculation higher than T-table (2.045). It means that the classroom action research by using realia and roleplay is able to improve the students’ speakingability.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Subjects: Ilmu Ekonomi,Politik, Sosial, Budaya dan Pertahanan Negera > Ilmu Pendidikan
Divisions: Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan > Tadris Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email
Date Deposited: 11 Apr 2017 06:34
Last Modified: 11 Apr 2017 06:34

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