THE EFFECTIVENESS OF INTENSIVE READING TO TEACH READING RECOUNT TEXT (Pre-Experimental Research at the Eighth Grade of SMP Islam Sudirman 2 Tingkir Salatiga in the Academic Year 2022/2023)

Sarwono, Yulies Warih Ayuning Ambarwati (2022) THE EFFECTIVENESS OF INTENSIVE READING TO TEACH READING RECOUNT TEXT (Pre-Experimental Research at the Eighth Grade of SMP Islam Sudirman 2 Tingkir Salatiga in the Academic Year 2022/2023). [UNSPECIFIED]

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The research was conducted to determine whether the intensive reading method is effectively to teach reading recount text in the eighth-grade of SMP Islam Sudirman 2 Tingkir Salatiga. Pre-experimental was the research method, with pre-test and post-test as an instrument of the research. The sample of this research was eighth-grade students that consisted of 19 students, but one of the students could not engage in the study activities from beginning to finish; therefore, the respondents in the research were 18 students. In this research, data were collected using the test. Forms pre-test and post-test were reading tests that focused on recount text. The findings of the research showed that there was a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test after treatment. The increase in mean score proves it; the pre-test means the score is 60.44, lower than the post-test mean score is 80.89. Thus, the improvement of the student's scores was 33,82%. Based on the result of the data analysis, the t-test value was 8.862 is higher than the t- table value of 2.110 (8.862 > 2.110). It means that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted, and the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. In order that the researcher assumed that using intensive reading methods is effective in improving students reading recount text.

Subjects: Bahasa
Divisions: Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan > Tadris Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email
Date Deposited: 31 Dec 2022 03:20
Last Modified: 14 Feb 2023 12:44

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