An analysis of students problems' in creating lesson plans during field experience practice program (PPL) A study of english education department of iain salatiga at MTs ma'arif andong boyolali

PRATAMA, EKO CAHYO (2023) An analysis of students problems' in creating lesson plans during field experience practice program (PPL) A study of english education department of iain salatiga at MTs ma'arif andong boyolali. [["eprint_typename_skripsi" not defined]]

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ABSTRACT Pratama, Eko Cahyo. 2023. An Analysis of English Education Student’s Problemsin Designing Lesson plans During Field Experience Practice Program (PPL) at MTs Ma’arif Andong Boyolali Graduating Paper. English Education Department. Teacher Training and Education Faculty. State Islamic University Counselor: Nur Muthmainnah, M.Pd. The purpose of the study is to investigate the problems faced by English education students in designing lesson plans during field experience practice program and how the English education students solve the problems in designing lesson plans. The research method was qualitative. The respondents of this research were 2 English Education students who carry out field experience practice program at MTs Ma’arif Andong Boyolali who already have new experience in practice teaching. The interview was conducted in order to find and solve the problems. The data was analyzed and interpreted through a qualitative procedure.The findings show that five obstacles/difficulties faced by English Education students are education students are limitations of knowledge in creating lesson plans, managing time to create learning materials, availability of sources/books, determining the method, material, evaluation, basic competencies, and learning objectives, and determining media in learning materials. In addition, based on the interview with the English Education students at MTs Ma’arif Andong boyolali, the research found the English education students have several ways to solve the problems encountered in creating lesson plans are asking for someone else for guidance, adapting the learning materials to the learning objectives, making lesson plans suitable for learning objectives, making good lesson plans. Keywords: English Education Student’s, Problems, Solved Problem, Field Experience Practice Program.

Item Type: ["eprint_typename_skripsi" not defined]
Subjects: Ilmu Ekonomi,Politik, Sosial, Budaya dan Pertahanan Negera > Ilmu Pendidikan
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email
Date Deposited: 11 Apr 2023 19:09
Last Modified: 11 Apr 2023 13:08

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