THE DIFFERENCE OF INTRAPERSONAL AND INTERPERSONAL INTELLIGENCE TO READING SKILLS (Descriptive Study of the Ten Year Students of SMK Muhammadiyah Suruh in the Academic Year of 2014/2015 )

Wahyuni, Siti (2015) THE DIFFERENCE OF INTRAPERSONAL AND INTERPERSONAL INTELLIGENCE TO READING SKILLS (Descriptive Study of the Ten Year Students of SMK Muhammadiyah Suruh in the Academic Year of 2014/2015 ). Other thesis, IAIN Salatiga.

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The aims of this research are to find out the profile of students’ reading skill taught by comparing students’ intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligence in order to find out the significant difference between intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligence students’ in reading skill. To analyze, the researcher analyze the students’ job sheet by scoring the reading test. The population of this research is the first grade of SMK Muhammadiyah Suruh in the academic year of 2014/2015. The total numbers of population are 256 students and the researcher takes 20 students with random technique as the subject. Based on the result of the research, the researcher can conclude that the average score in intrapersonal intelligence is 71. Students’ average score in interpersonal intelligence is 82. It can be concluded that there is difference because average score of interpersonal intelligence higher than the average score interpersonal intelligence to reading skills.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Subjects: Bahasa
Divisions: Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan > Tadris Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email
Date Deposited: 17 Feb 2016 02:38
Last Modified: 17 Feb 2016 02:38

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