Enhancing Writing Skills Using Comic Strips For The Eighth Grade Students of SMP N 3 Getasan in The Academic Year of 2018/2019

Emiyati, Titik (2019) Enhancing Writing Skills Using Comic Strips For The Eighth Grade Students of SMP N 3 Getasan in The Academic Year of 2018/2019. Other thesis, IAIN SALATIGA.


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This research aims to find out the implementation and to know the result of used Comic Strips can improve the students‟ ability in writing skill eighth grade students of SMP N 3 Getasan in the academic year of 2018/2019. The participants of this research are 28 students.The methodology of this research was classroom action research. The research consisted of two cycles and each cycle consisted of four steps, they were; planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The research consisted of two cycles and each cycle of three parts, they were; first part is pre-test, second part is treatment, and third part is post-test. The data collected were qualitative but also supported by quantitative data. The qualitative data were gained through observation, documentation and short videos. Meanwhile, the quantitative data was collected from the test. The researcher used SPSS 20.00 for analyzing the test The researcher finds that there is a significant improvement on students‟ writing skills after treatment by use Comic Strips in cycle I and cycle II. The result of pre-test in cycle I is 10.71% of the students who reach the passing grade. The total presentation of the students who can reach the passing grade in the post-test cycle 1 is 28.57%. The result of pre-test in cycle II is 28.57% of the students who reach the passing grade. The total presentation of the students who can reach the passing grade in the post-test cycle II is 85,71%.The sig. 2 tailed cycle I and cycle II was 0.000 and the significant (α) cycle I and cycle II was 0.05 by 95% significant level with N-1 (28-1) for df 27. Thus,based on the result, it is accepted that Comic Stripscould improve students‟ ability in writing skill. Then, the target presentation of the passing grade has been achieved significantly more than the researcher expected at 85% level. It is also proved that the use of comic strips is powerful because is from the score of observation sheet, it shows mostly good in cycle 1 and mostly excellent in the last cycle. It means that there is significant improvement of students‟ writing skills of recount text after being tought by using comic strips. Based on the result of this study it could be concluded that the implementation of comic strips could improve students‟ ability in writing recount text of the eighth grade students of SMP N 3 Getasan in academic years 2018/2019.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Subjects: Bahasa
Divisions: Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan > Tadris Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email bimoharyosetyoko@iainsalatiga.ac.id
Date Deposited: 08 Apr 2019 04:09
Last Modified: 08 Apr 2019 04:09
URI: http://e-repository.perpus.uinsalatiga.ac.id/id/eprint/5197

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