THE USE OF CHILDREN'S TELEVISION PROGRAM IN ACQUIRING ENGLISH VOCABULARY (Experiment Study of the Fourth Year Pupils of SDN Candirejo 1 Ungaran in Academic Year 2005/2006)

SETYANINGRUM, RATIH HAPSARI (2006) THE USE OF CHILDREN'S TELEVISION PROGRAM IN ACQUIRING ENGLISH VOCABULARY (Experiment Study of the Fourth Year Pupils of SDN Candirejo 1 Ungaran in Academic Year 2005/2006). Other thesis, IAIN SALATIGA.


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RA TIH HAPSARI S: The Use of Children's Television Program in Acquiring EnglishVocabulary Experiment Study of the Fourth Year Pupils of SDN Candirejo 1 Ungaran inAcademic Year 2005/2006.This is mainly aimed at answering question of "Is Children's Television programeffective to be used in teaching vocabulary at the fourth year student of SDN 1Candirejo Ungaran 2005/2006?" the result of the study is hoped to be useful for thedevelopment of English teaching to the student of Elementary school. especially inteaching vocabulary. The proposed hypothesis dealing with the problem is that there is asignificant difference of the student' achievement in vocabulary mastery between thosetaught with and without watching TV program at SDN 1 Candirejo, Ungaran 2005/2006.The assumptions underlying the hypothesis are: 1. Vocabulary is very important inlanguage. especially in English. Because it is the basic for those who want to studyEnglish. 2. There are many kinds of medium of language teaching. 3. TV can be one ofalternative media to learn English vocabulary.The research was done in the fourth grade students of SDN 1 Candirejo, Ungaranon 2 - 7 january the sample the writer takes 20 students. For getting the data. thewriter used test as prime technique. The results are generalized and represent thepopulation of all the students of the fourth grade students of SDN 1 Candirejo, Ungaran -20 students.After collecting data and analyzing them using t - test. it reveals thatthe t- test is 7.155. consulting the t-table with 5% of significance in degree of the2.101. So the t- test is much greater than t -freedom is (nl+n2-2) = 18 showtable.Accordingly the hyphothesis stating that" There is a significant difference of thestudent' achievement in vocabulary mastery between those taught with and withoutwatching TV program"is accepted.ABSTRACT

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Subjects: Bahasa
Divisions: Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan > Tadris Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email
Date Deposited: 10 Feb 2020 08:12
Last Modified: 10 Feb 2020 08:12

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