THE APPLICATION OF QUESTIONING TECHNIQUE TO ENHANCE STUDENTS’ COMPREHENSION IN READING TEXT ACTIVITY (A Classroom Action Research of First Grade Students Sultan Fatah Junior High School, Blotongan, 2015)

Khomariyah, Noor (2015) THE APPLICATION OF QUESTIONING TECHNIQUE TO ENHANCE STUDENTS’ COMPREHENSION IN READING TEXT ACTIVITY (A Classroom Action Research of First Grade Students Sultan Fatah Junior High School, Blotongan, 2015). Other thesis, IAIN Salatiga.

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The aim of this research is to improve students’ reading comprehension through the application of questioning technique in reading instruction. This research examined how the profile of the use of questioning technique to enha nce students’ English reading comprehension and how far the improvement of the students’ reading comprehension of the first grade students of Sultan Fatah Junior High School, Blotongan through questioning technique. This research was conducted in Sultan Fatah Junior High School Diponegoro Street No. 115, Kec. Sidorejo, Salatiga. Twenty seven students of the first year students of Sultan Fatah Junior High School were instructed through questioning technique to enhance their reading comprehension. The methodology of this research is Classroom Action Research (CAR). The researcher conducted two cycles of reading instruction to let the students gain more opportunities to improve their comprehension in English reading text through questioning technique tre atment. The result of the research shows a significant improvement after the treatment. It can be seen from the score of T-calculation and the score of mean. The T-calculation of cycle I is 26.37 while in the cycle II the score of T-calculation is 43.9. The mean score even increases from the cycle I to cycle II. The mean score of pre test cycle I is 43.59 and the mean of the post test is 63.37. In the cycle II, the mean of pre test is 59.81 while the mean of post test is 80.89. From those results, the researcher concludes that the application of questioning technique can improve the students’ reading comprehension. The students even could enrich their vocabularies and be confident to speak and write what they have comprehended. Based on the res ult, the researcher recommends using questioning technique in reading instruction.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Subjects: Bahasa
Divisions: Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan > Tadris Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email
Date Deposited: 26 Feb 2016 05:54
Last Modified: 26 Feb 2016 05:54

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